Era il mio coniglietto. Nella foto in pratica non si vede perché beh, mia madre non aveva molto la mano ferma quando scattava le foto... e il protagonista raramente usciva intero!
Questo per la sfida di maggio Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge, in cui bisogna scrappare una foto di quando eravamo bambini. Io ero piuttosto timida e campagnola, e amavo molto gli animali, esattamente come li amo ora.
It was my bunny. In practice, in the picture you can not see it because, well, my mother was not very steady hand when she was taking the pictures... and the protagonist rarely went out whole!
This is for May challenge of Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge: you have to scrapbook a photo of when you were baby. I was shy and I loved animals very much, just as I love them now.
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